Monday, August 10, 2009

Sunday Wrap Up

Great services yesterday. The presence of God was awesome in both services. I could have very well not preached again last night.

Sunday morning was an example of the kind of services we want to start doing on Saturday evenings starting out once-a-month in September. Services where we just "soak in the spirit" and practice "prophetic worship." The body of Christ needs these types of services where "those that are hungry" can tarry in the presence of God and not feel rushed. I sense especially from the younger generation a genuine hunger for the presence of God where the extraordinary things and moves of God become ordinary. And this really is the essence of Pentecostal and Charismatic worship when you look at the New Testament church...signs, wonders, miracles, fillings of the Holy Spirit, deliverances, etc. People back then were tired of the liturgical, tradition-laden formal worship services. They wanted more than that. They wanted to experiences the presence and power of God in spirit and in truth. They wanted a God that they could see and feel.

Yesterday, we had people praying in the altars who came back to God, people who were restored, healed, and blessed. Last night we had a prayer line down the aisles of the sanctuary for people facing surgeries and for people who were out of work and needed provision. There is no doubt in my mind that God answered our prayers and we will see the fruit of that in the weeks to come. I sincerely believe this is why we have "to assemble ourselves" even more in the days ahead. God's people today are facing major crisis in their lives...many of which I believe are attacks of the enemy. We need more than anything else to get into the presence of God (the sanctuary) where Ezekiel 46 says "healing waters flow that bring forth fruit."

My prayer is that you go forth in the power of the Spirit this week. Let the light of Christ shine in the midst of this dark world!


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